Thursday, February 10, 2011

Refuse to settle!

My mentor once said that money wants you as much as you want it. In other words, money cannot live up to its full potential unless it is used. The same principle applies to success. Success strongly desires to be possessed, embraced, and loved by those who have a strong will to seek after her. So the problem doesn't lie with her availability; it lies with the seeker's desire to attain her. You have to ignore and simply refuse the desire settle! If you desire to get out of your degrading situation, you must do what you have to do...listen to a qualified person, read the right books, and speak the right words! Success has her arms wide open, waiting for you to embrace and dwell with her for the rest of your life! While you are just sitting around and waiting for the opportunity of a lifetime, many others simply refuse to wait and are creating opportunities! Don't be the person who complains about situations instead of seeking a way out of them. Embrace success and you will have no reason to complain!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Success through Birth Pangs

If you are a mother or a supporting husband, you are familiar with the birth pangs associated with pregnancy. Normally, you would not think that phrases like excruciating pain, weight gain, and weird food cravings would be linked to something as miraculous as child birth; but we must understand that attaining wonderful things always come due to a price being paid. Experiencing constant and consistent success is one of the lifestyles that fall under this category. NEWS FLASH: If you think success is going to be handed to you while you're laying on your couch or waiting for handouts from the government, you're wasting precious time! Success demands your utmost attention. She cannot thrive without focus and determination. If you desire to be great in life, you must go through birth pangs. The good news, however, is that sorrow should never be associated with success. Rejoice as you're going through the delivery process. Any successful person will tell you that the way you go through a situation is the way you will come out. So rejoice during the whole process, and I guarantee that you will have many reasons to rejoice when your baby is born!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Testing This Out

My new book A CHANGED PERCEPTION is about taking the best of all worlds and is the remedy to many of the seemingly insurmountable problems that often lead a person to a depressed state. If you love yourself and want to read about real common sense answers to the challenges of today, then you'll enjoy this book.